Save Hunter Jones Fund Raiser

Donated of 04:50 PM 5/3/11

$500 Thank you everyone, I will post on FB Later, Gotta go.

This video shows how hunter acts when he comes back to daddy. ~added by Buck Jones

   Hello, My name is Byron "Buck" Jones, I am a father of 2 boys 19 years old (Brandon) and 4 years old (Hunter). This is not a happy story. I live in Bucyrus, OH.  This started in November 2009. 10 days before Hunter's birthday. My wife disappeared, I simply came home and she was gone, nothing was missing, I started to panic I couldn't find my son, the babysitter said he had a doctors appointment, and my wifes work said she resigned that morning at 6 am.  I called the police, the sheriff, they couldn't help. I started to find long lists of phone calls our cell plan to Marysville, OH, about an hour and a half away. A couple days went by, I couldn't find out where they were. I tracked a number down to a guy and called the attorney general of Ohio about 25 days later. Five days after that I was contacted by the FBI, she was located in Massachusetts, I quickly got a lawyer, and had someone check in on them, she was living in a camper, with her "boyfriend" and his 2 of 4 kids, and my 4 year old. The camper was a mess and cramped, heated by a desk heater, run on an extension cord. Not good to say the least. December 23, 2009 with legal backing by authorities, I set a plan to rescue Hunter, Hunter was put in care of my mother temporarily (My mom lives in Massachusetts) During that short time, we arrived gained custody of Hunter, who was in terrible shape, he smelled, and didn't have proper clothing, his skin was deteriorating from not being bathed. We made it back to Ohio. I brought hunter for his physical and got him cleaned up. The  next  1 month we only heard from his mom 2 times on very short phone calls, after that the following 6 months we did not hear from her at all. I filed divorce, we had a pretrial hearing in late July 2010.  I told the courts what happened, My wife and i were in poor financial shape but nothing that was doing us in, our house was in modification, I told them how she took off and didn't tell anybody not even her mom.  I told them of the poor conditions he lived in and the way we found him, My wife went on the stand next she said she hadn't seen hunter for 7 months, nor did she try to see him, the court granted her temporary custody for that reason, she also said i kidnapped Hunter.  I was shocked, she had him for 2 months then he came back for 2 months with me in Ohio, where he was born and raised, again he was in terrible shape, she drove all the way to Ohio without a car seat for hunter. I was furious. Now she has moved back to Ohio, and the boy is literally terrified of her. We started mediation to see what was best for Hunter, no house no bills, all we have in our divorce is Hunter. she went to the first mediation, and all the lies that got her temporary custody, back fired in mediation,  In pretrial she said I severely beat her and Hunter, In mediation I called her out on it, she said she was mistaken that she was talking about a time I pushed the bathroom door open, because she was depressed and had it locked, she wouldn't answer me so I got worried and pushed it open. She said she lived in a 5 bedroom house, well she really lives in a 2 bedroom trailer with her boyfriend and his 4 kids and hunter. Hunter has made accusation of the boys touching him, taking off his pants, he says to me, "Daddy I scared,....daddy I hide under bed."  He has improper clothing, no toys, and as far as I can figure he sleeps on the floor or in the room with my wife and her boyfriend, she doesn't work, and has no car. I put hunter in preschool She took him out and hasn't put him back in school for over a year, Her boy friend try to run me over, and I don't even know the guy.  Hunter literally cries whenever he has to go back to his mom, who hardly does anything with him. I am trying to save this little boy, even his older brother is testifying on his behalf, my wife is simply no good. I found out she started cheating on me about 6 months after Hunter was born, she just simply doesn't want a child, but now she doesn't have to work, so she is hanging on to him as much as possible to collect a check.  I have run out of funds, I need help to save my little boy so he can live with me and have a happy life. My wife recently tried to force our house which I have control of, (because she abandoned it),  into foreclosure unless I signed all parental rights over to her. Please I have a Trial scheduled for June 30th  I need helpto Save Hunter, I am simply out of funds. I work full time to pay child support and pay my rent and bills which I need to do to have custody of Hunter, I simply do not have any funds left for my lawyer who requires $2500.00 to finish the case and save hunter.  UPDATE: I only need the funds for Hunters Guardians ad-litums. These lawyers are unbiased lawyers specifically for Hunter, not me nor my wife. But I need to pay them by May 9th 2011. I know it seems like a small amount, but I have literally paid everything out, I cannot come up with the funds before may 9th without help. Agian, I no longer need help with the $2500, I will make that on a contract through my business, but I do need to raise $500 for hunters Guardian ad-lietums.  Please help Hunter, Donations can be made via Paypal (click link above) or send checks to Byron Jones ~ 1021 S. Sandusky Ave., Bucyrus Ohio.   Please watch some of these videos. They show me over the years playing with hunter, and you'll notice mommy is hardly ever there. Please help hunter to have a good life, not to be brought up in poverty, and bullied by older children, (my wifes boyfriends 4 kids are all over the age of 11.  Please help I am desperately in need of support for Hunter's lawyer.

Donate, Savehunter, bucyrus, ohio,